I am happy to meet you all and have you as part of this learning community. I created this liquid syllabus to share important information about this course and set you up for success. As a former school nurse, I am also excited to learn from you about the rewards and challenges of being a school nurse today.
I look forward to our journey together.
Michelle Dang, PhD, RN
Professor, School of Nursing, Sacramento State
pronouns: she/her/hers
(you are welcome to call me Michelle)

Required Books
American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). https://doi.org/10.1037/0000165-000 ISBN: 978-1-4338-3216-1 (paperback); ISBN: 978-1-4338-3215-4 (hardcover); ISBN: 978-1-4338-3217-8 (spiral)
Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice (4th ed.). Wolters Kluwer. ISBN: 978-1-4963-8453-9
Skloot, R. (2010). The immortal life of Henrietta Lacks. Broadway Paperbacks. ISBN-13: 978-1400052189. If you have time, we recommend you start reading the Skloot book before the start of the semester.
Communication essentials
If you need help with the course, please contact me by email dang@csus.edu or by sending a message through the Canvas Inbox.
I am available Monday - Friday and will answer email and message within 24 hours, usually sooner.
If you need help with technology, please contact the help desk 916-278-7337, email servicedesk@csus.edu.
Webpage of Student Tech Resources.
6 things you should know!
1. The course is hybrid. We will meet via Zoom on Wednesdays from 6-8 pm. You will complete most learning activities asynchronously (at your own time and pace) as long as you meet assignment due dates.
2. All learning materials, assignments, and the complete syllabus are located in the NURS 209 Canvas course.
3. There are 5 instructors in this course.
Michelle Dang is the faculty of record and facilitates the Zoom sessions.
Four faculty serve as graders.
Carolynn Goetze, cgoetze@csus.edu
Crystal Gardner, c.gardner@csus.edu
Jennifer Cooke, jcooke2@csus.edu
Noel Weeks, nkweeks@csus.edu
Each faculty grader will be assigned to the same group of students for all assignments. To find out who is your grader, click on "People" on the left side of the Canvas course, then click on Grading Group.
Note: You will have the same grader in this course and subsequent courses during summer.
All of the faculty are here to support you so don't hesitate to reach out to us if you need help.
4. This is a writing intensive course so writing is a major part of assignments. This is good preparation for the comprehensive exam. Keep in mind that writing is a skill that you can learn. If you are not a great writer now, it's okay! You will be a wonderful writer in the future if you keep at it.
5. Key writing assignments require a score of 83% to pass.
6. Most assignments are due on Mondays.
“no matter what your ability is, effort is what ignites that ability and turns it into accomplishment.” Carol Dweck
Having a growth mindset
Research has shown that having a growth mindset instead of a fixed mindset can have a significant impact on student achievement. Our brains are malleable, and the belief that we can get smarter through our efforts can change outcomes and determine success. In this course, I encourage you to have a growth mindset as you complete learning activities and think about your educational goals. This course is just one part of your lifelong journey in learning.
Key Writing Assignments
There are 3 key writing assignments in this course.
You must obtain a score of 83% on these assignments in order to pass the course.